PTSD Resources for Survivors and Caregivers

Dear Friends:

Here is a collection of webcasts and podcasts for trauma survivors,
caregivers, therapists, clergy, and health professionals. They cover a wide range of topics for the individual wanting to learn about, understand, and cope with abuse, trauma and PTSD. We hope you find them helpful. If you would like to read comments from other viewers please click here

PTSD | PTSD Symptoms | Chronic & Complex PTSD | Compassion Fatigue | Professionals
Relationships | Recovery | Spirituality | Therapy | Other Conditions | Veterans & PTSD


What does the future of psychiatry look like?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg discusses how psychiatry in the future will be different as we learn more about the brain.

length: 2:11

Does PTSD affect brain function?

Exposure to a traumatic event may cause PTSD symptoms. Stress can damage the brain. In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg discusses what happens to the brain after a traumatic event.

length: 11:03

What does the latest brain imaging research tell us about PTSD?

In this webcast Frank Ochberg discusses the MEG. The MEG (Magnetoencephalography) is a computerized brain imaging device. We are moving toward the day when we can distinguish between the image of the person with TBI, the person with PTSD and the person with both.

length: 5:10

Do different traumas cause different forms of PTSD?

Frank Ochberg discusses how Injurious exposure can cause changes in the physiology of your brain. The quality of the PTSD may be different but PTSD is an injury that was not there before you were traumatized.

length: 4:11

What is the common ground between men and women and PTSD?

Frank Ochberg feels that PTSD is the common ground between the traumatized man and the traumatized woman. It is Important for therapists and those who create policy to recognize the meaningful differences between how men and women deal with certain situations and frustrations.

length: 4:16

Why do you think the term Post Traumatic Stress Injury (PTSI) is more appropriate than PTSD?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg discusses PTSD vs. PTSI and the honor that comes from injury versus the stigma that comes from a disorder.

length: 6:57

Explain the biology of arousal in victims of sexual assault

In this webcast, Frank Ochberg, MD discusses the biology of arousal in victims of sexual assault and/or sexual abuse, and why victims should not think there is something wrong with them and/or carry self- stigma.

length: 1:32

What are emotional triggers and how can we manage them?

Psychiatrist Frank Ochberg explains the concept of emotional and psychological triggers and how veterans, victims of crime and sexual assault can manage their traumatic stress symptoms.

length: 5:58

What is the role of shame when men are the victims?

In this webcast, psychiatrist Dr. Frank Ochberg discusses men who have been victimized and the role of shame.

length: 2:47

What is the role of shame when one has been victimized?

Dr. Frank Ochberg, PTSD expert explains why victims of crime and other trauma survivors may feel humiliated and embarrassed after being subjected to the cruelty of others.

length: 4:35

Nightmares Versus Flashbacks.

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg talks about PTSD and the differences between flashbacks and nightmares.

length: 4:02

PTSD & Depression: Who is on your Board of Directors?

In this webcast Dr. Frank Ochberg discusses how he helps his PTSD and depressed patients. Many people with PTSD and depression say negative things about themselves to themselves. Dr. Ochberg explains a therapeutic tool he calls “your board of directors.” Replacing the negative people on your board of directors with those who are supportive.

length: 2:12

Non-Lethal triggers for PTSD.

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg discusses how non-lethal events can trigger PTSD.

length: 3:59

What are trauma memories?
In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains the trauma memory, including the verbally accessible memory and the situationally accessible memory.

length: 4:46

What does it mean to freeze in a traumatic sense?

In this webcast Frank Ochberg discusses the concept of freezing. Freezing is an interesting word to use to explain a state of mind when you are stuck. Instead of fighting something terrifying we may freeze.

length: 4:04

Why do trauma survivors so often feel shame?

In this webcast Frank Ochberg discusses how survivors sometimes hide their feelings. Feeling humiliated is part of being victimized. The perpetrator should feel shame, not their victim.

length: 1:52

Can PTSD cause sufferers to break from reality? What is a dissociative state?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg helps trauma survivors understand the term dissociation.

length: 3:44

What is the stress response?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains the stress response and its relationship to PTSD.

length: 3:48

Why do PTSD sufferers seem to worry excessively?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg defines why trauma survivors seem to worry excessively, and our unconscious associations and perceptions.

length: 1:16

Why do some trauma survivors have trouble falling and staying asleep?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains why some PTSD survivors have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep and the fear of nightmares.

length: 6:10

Are PTSD survivors at a higher risk for suicide?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg discusses whether a person with PTSD is at a greater risk for suicide.

length: 4:16

What is Chronic PTSD?

In this webcast, PTSD expert, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains chronic PTSD.

length: 2:55

What is complex PTSD and how can it be managed?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg, an expert on traumatic stress explains how to cope and manage your chronic PTSD symptoms.

length: 3:19

What are the effects of chronic trauma?

In this webcast, PTSD expert, Frank Ochberg explains the effects of chronic trauma on survivors of traumatic events.

length: 2:05

What is Compassion Fatigue?

Compassion Fatigue can develop because even though working with suffering people is rewarding it can also be hard to take sometimes. In this webcast Dr. Frank Ochberg explains the causes, symptoms and methods for coping with compassion fatigue.

length: 6:23

What are the differences between Secondary PTSD, Compassion Fatigue, and Caregiver Burden?

In this webcast Frank Ochberg explains the differences between Compassion Fatigue, Secondary PTSD, and Caregiver Burden.

length: 6:49

Are nurses vulnerable to Compassion Fatigue?

Frank Ochberg discusses why nurses may experience compassion fatigue. Nurses are important helpers in our society.

length: 2:27

Can a child develop Secondary PTSD?

Frank Ochberg talks about how children are vulnerable to secondary trauma. Children who develop vicarious trauma may take steps backward in their development.

length: 2:03

What is meant by psychological first aid?

Dr. Frank Ochberg explains the concept of Psychological First Aid which is an approach for assisting a group of people following a traumatic event, natural disaster or emergency. Talking about what you have gone through with a group of people may not be the best way to initially treat trauma survivors.

length: 3:55

What tips do you have for new therapists?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg offers tips for new therapists working with clients. He discusses the different stages of therapy.

length: 6:10

How can a health professional best support a patient that has been traumatized?

In this webcast Dr. Frank Ochberg gives suggestions to health professionals who may not have experience talking to a patient who discloses a traumatic event such as a rape or sexual assault.

length: 7:15

Can therapists incorporate the religious beliefs of their patients to help in the healing process?

In this webcast Dr. Frank Ochberg explains how he incorporates the religious beliefs of his patients in trauma therapy.

length: 9:46

What do you do if you learn your patient is likely a Psychopath?

In this webcast Frank Ochberg explains what a therapist can do if they find themselves treating a psychopath.

length: 2:37

What do you say if your spouse says to “Get over it.”

Dr. Frank Ochberg gives tips for survivors on how to talk to their spouse or significant other about PTSD.

length: 2:24

What do you do if you’re living with a narcissistic parent?

Living with a narcissist is very difficult particularly for a child. The narcissist feels entitled. They have an idealized feeling of worth.

length: 2:44

Sexual Abuse and/or assault: Advice for husbands and significant others.

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg offers advice and suggestions to husbands and significant others about how to be supportive to the women in their lives who have encountered sexual abuse, rape, and assault.

length: 5:13

Sexual Abuse and/or assault: Advice for wives and significant others.

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg offers advice and suggestions to wives and significant others about how to be supportive to the men in their lives who have encountered sexual abuse, and/or assault.

length: 3:18

How can we support the PTSD sufferer?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains how caregivers can best support their loved one with PTSD.

length: 2:52

What does it mean to bear witness to the PTSD sufferer?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains how to listen to your loved ones talk about their traumatic experience with care and respect.

length: 1:37

Other consequences of trauma beyond PTSD: Depression & Grief

PTSD is not the only consequences of trauma. Sometimes people are biologically depressed which means they can lack psychological energy.

length: 4:46

What is the toll of incest in our society?

Dr. Ochberg discusses how our society has outrageously high statistics of incest.

length: 4:04

A message for men whose partners have PTSD.

Dr. Ochberg offers suggestions to men on how to best help their wives or girlfriends deal with PTSD.

length: 1:46

What is the value of using diagnostic labels?

Frank Ochberg acknowledges that there is a controversy about labeling people. Labeling is helpful with scientific work but we do not want it used to reduce a person’s humanity.

length: 1:26

What do you say to your clients when they feel they have been retraumatized?

Being retraumatized does not necessarily mean you will not be capable of dealing with PTSD symptoms that may reappear.

length: 1:32

Are you at risk for more abuse after being a survivor of incest?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg discusses the incest secret and how it affects relationships.

length: 3:16

Are trauma survivors more likely to be revictimized?

Dr. Ochberg explains that yes a person can be a victim of childhood abuse and suffer more traumatic events but they can get help and therapists can give you tools for recovery.

length: 2:28

Overcoming silence and forming a healing community.

Frank Ochberg says finding a healing community can be of tremendous help to trauma survivors.Trauma survivors can meet and confirm forms of emotional pain and forms of separation from friends and families.

length: 1:54

What do you say to clients who ask if they have to live with PTSD forever?

Frank Ochberg believes that the overwhelming outlook and prognosis of PTSD is good but there are some people who are locked into difficult lives due to poverty, personality characteristics, and severe injury. This might delay their recovery.

length: 2:47

What was the inspiration for the Survivor Psalm?

Frank Ochberg reads the “Survivor Psalm.” The Psalm in the form of a bookmark has been distributed to thousands of trauma survivors. Frank wrote the psalm after working with victims of crime, and wanting a statement that would reflect a state of mind after therapy was completed.

length: 1:53

How has victim status been defined in case law?

Frank Ochberg wants crime victims to know that there are laws and federal and statutes in the states that define crime victims for the purpose of crime victim compensation.

length: 2:22

What is the correlation between emotional distress and illness?

In this webcast Dr. Frank Ochberg explains the correlation between emotional distress and physical illness.

length: 4:12

What can a survivor do if they are being bullied?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg talks about how he helped one of his clients who was bullied at their workplace.

length: 1:31

Should spiritual leaders learn about abuse, trauma, and PTSD to help them in their pastoral roles?

Frank Ochberg would like members of the clergy to learn about trauma because they are frontline workers and many victims go to their pastoral counselor for help.

length: 2:58

What are some tips for separating from your therapist?

Dr. Ochberg gives the trauma survivor in therapy tips on how to anticipate and deal with the end stages and/ or graduation from therapy.

length: 3:36

What is exposure therapy?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains exposure therapy.

length: 2:29

What is cognitive behavioral therapy?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

length: 1:52

What is active listening and how is it different from mirroring?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains how to be an active listener to a trauma survivor.

length: 2:13

How do you use role playing in therapy?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains how he uses role playing with his clients in order to decrease stressful situations.

length: 3:22

What is your advice for the survivor looking for a trauma therapist?

In this webcast, Dr. Ochberg gives helpful suggestions on how survivors can work with a therapist in order to have a successful therapeutic relationship.

length: 12:10

The Color Wheel: Positive and Negative Emotions.

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg discusses a therapeutic tool called The Color Wheel, and how he uses colors to correspond with positive and negative emotions. Dr. Ochberg talks about assigning colors to emotions.

length: 11:46
Written Explanation of Ochberg’s Color Wheel of Positive Emotion-FAQ

What are the treatment options for Psychopaths?

In this webcast Frank Ochberg explains what a psychopath is and why they do not get upset or excited about seeing the pain of others.

length: 6:11

Living with a Narcissist.

Frank Ochberg discusses personality disorders. They tend to overlap but the narcissist really feel entitled. They have an idealized feeling of worth.

length: 3:51

What is a Psychopath?

In this webcast Frank Ochberg explains what a psychopath is and why they do not get upset or excited about seeing the pain of others. People exist who are different from us and because they look like us it is potentially deadly to go through this life pretending that these people do not exist.

length: 9:11

Describe DESNOS (Disorder of Extreme Stress Not Otherwise Stated), and Complex and Chronic PTSD

Frank Ochberg discusses the term DESNOS. DESNOS is used because some traumas are not clearly defined. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that develops from exposure to a single traumatic event and in this webcast Frank Ochberg discusses situations of multiple traumas and traumas taken place during a person’s formative years.

length: 5:59

What is Medical Depression?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains depression and how that sometimes there is a need for medical intervention.

length: 3:31

Can a child be a psychopath?

In this webcast Dr. Frank Ochberg talks about psychopaths and if child can be labeled a psychopath.

length: 6:19

Dr. Ochberg’s thoughts on the current discussions of Military Sexual Assault.

Dr. Ochberg discusses military sexual abuse and how we need to listen to the voices of the victims.

length: 4:02

What is meant by the term Moral Injury? What is Survivor Guilt?

In this webcast, Dr. Ochberg explains the concepts of Moral Injury and Survivor Guilt, mainly drawn from the military context.

length: 5:53

What is the Stellate Ganglion Block?

This webcast discusses a new treatment procedure that is being researched for treating veterans and other people suffering from PTSD.

length: 3:52

Military Sexual Trauma: A Breach of Trust.

In this clip, Frank Ochberg discusses female veterans returning with PTSD. Female vets may have had abusive relationships before going to war and a fair number have suffered abuse and rape while in service to their country. Frank Ochberg discusses treatment options.

length: 4:32

What can be done to destigmatize PTSD in veterans?

We need to destigmatize, and normalize, symptoms of PTSD. War changes a person. Service members train everyday to serve their country, to fight and win America’s wars. Prolonged exposure to hazardous environments, daily exposure to violence and death has a deep affect. There’s nothing morally wrong or physically wrong with the person who gets PTSD.

length: 5:49

Should PTSD be considered an injury?

Frank Ochberg explains why he feels that a person with PTSD deserves to be treated with dignity just as we would treat a person with a physical injury to their arm or leg.

length: 1:59

Transition from Military to civilian life.

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg discusses the veterans transition from military life to civilian life. Guidelines for families and loved ones on how to gauge the normal transition period.

length: 4:55

Frank reads his poem for veterans called “My Wounds Are Not For You To See.”

Frank Ochberg reads his newest poem. It is based on his experience with combat veterans. Many veterans live with traumatic stress symptoms after combat and military service.

length: 4:26

Survivor Guilt

In this clip, Frank Ochberg discusses survivor guilt. Sometimes after a traumatic event, a person may feel guilty for surviving or being uninjured when others were harmed.

length: 3:14

PTSD and Veterans: A Conversation with Dr. Frank Ochberg: Tapping Into the Emotion

This is a clip from our DVD PTSD in Veterans: A Conversation With Dr. Frank Ochberg. Dr. Ochberg explains what happens when you experience PTSD symptoms such as the loss of emotions and depression.

length: 2:06

What is an example of an accommodation for those with hidden wounds?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg explains how managers can make necessary accommodations for employees with PTSD.

length: 6:47

What are some of the challenges that young veterans with PTSD may face in the workplace?

In this webcast, Dr. Frank Ochberg discusses why some veterans have problems returning to work after war and that it’s our job to help identify these issues and assist.

length: 3:24

How do you create a comfortable work climate for the wounded warrior?

There are some general rules that managers need to follow to help the wounded warrior feel welcome and comfortable in the workplace.

length: 2:57

Are there ‘specific do’s and dont’s for establishing the optimal work environment for veterans?

Frank Ochberg feels that managers need to be flexible when dealing with veterans returning to the workplace.

length: 3:00

How can training create better managers for our returning veterans?

We can train employers that are hiring wounded warriors about PTSD so they can better assist our returning veterans.

length: 1:37