Gift From Within – PTSD Resources for Survivors and Caregivers

Here is a unique personal conversation with Gift From Within’s Founder, Dr. Frank Ochberg. Frank is a psychiatrist, a pioneer in trauma science, an educator and the editor of the first text on the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He is one of the founding fathers of modern psychotraumatology and served on the committee that defined PTSD.

Interviewed by life coach, Charles D’Angelo, Frank discusses his philosophy of life and work including his strategies in assisting clients in creating meaningful and lasting change. Worthwhile!


Our mission is to support the men and women of the United States active military forces deployed to foreign shores through prayers, letters, and “wish list” packages on behalf of all Americans. We encourage their continued dedication to the protection of the United States and the endorsement of peace on earth around the world.

New Book Surviving War Offers Help After War Experience

Surviving War
Roberta Culbertson

A collection of poetry, essays, and photographs addressing war experience, is designed to help active duty soldiers and veterans understand and accept their experiences in war, and to ease their transition into civilian life.

The poetry, essays, and photographs in Surviving War are nearly all by military personnel or their families, and encompass wars from WWI to Iraq and Afghanistan. Their reflections on violence and war and the persistence of the human spirit acknowledge the horrors and difficulties of war while also recognizing its place in the conduct of human affairs.

For more information on this book and the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities visit

Nancy Lubin, CPCC
Coach Associates

Nancy Lubin, CPCC has been coaching full time since 1996. She is the first certified coach in Maine, and the co-founder of The Coaches Alliance of Maine. She coaches people who want to excel in their careers while maintaining focus on the big picture. Her desire is that all people find meaning and pleasure in their lives, bringing them a sense of fulfillment and contribution.

With her colleague Louise Franck Cyr she designed, and regularly delivers ‘Dynamic Edge’ – a Coach training program for supervisors who want to create a more appreciative and growth inspiring environment for their staff and inside their organization.

She is passionate about coaching and the consequent results the coaching relationship creates in the world. Along with her clients, she is committed to expanding a notion of what is possible individually and collectively.

Her coaching studies include Co-Active Coaching, Ontological Coaching, and Adult ADD coaching.

A mother, a gardener, an artist and a sailor, she enjoys bringing herself wholly to the individuals and organizations she coaches.

Contact Nancy for workshops and individual coaching:
Nancy Lubin CPCC, PCC, SCAC

PS if you are wondering about the wizard, he is my assistant in this magical process.

Victims of Sexual Assault Requested to Talk to Task Force

It’s time to hear first-hand from victims and survivors of sexual assault in our military.

The Defense Task Force on Sexual Assault in the Military Services needs victims or witnesses of sexual assault to tell their personal story to gain valuable insight into the military’s approach and response to this crime.

Anyone who’s been a victim, whether or not the assault was ever reported, and who is not part of an ongoing case under investigation, is being asked to contact the Task Force to participate in a confidential interview.

The task force is on a year-long, world-wide effort, looking at sexual assault programs in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force, to find out how the Services’ programs are working to prevent and respond to sexual assault.

When the assessment is complete, the task force will report to Congress about trends they have found in the military, and will make specific recommendations to improve our military programs.

If you, or someone you know, has been a victim of sexual assault, and are willing to talk to a member of the task force, please contact DTFSAMS at888-325-6640 or

Additional information regarding the Task Force can be located on the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) website:;=2008

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

If you would, please take a moment to read this email. I am embarking on a project to assist rape survivors. If you could pass this along or could assist in any way, please let me know.

“Reflections of Hope” is a project which ultimately hopes to empower survivors of rape. Through a compilation of letters and information from rape survivors to other survivors, healing can take place for those who suffer. I am looking for rape survivors to participate in this important mission to assist those who feel as if they are alone.

Any individual who has had an experience with rape can participate. It will entail writing a letter to other survivors and answering some questions (as few or as many as you wish). This information will then be published in a book for survivors. You do not need to be a writer, all is needed is a willingness to share your story with other survivors. Guidelines and further information will be given via email. There is no need to travel anywhere, and pseudonyms will be used to protect anonymity.

If you wish to participate or have questions, please send an email to You can visit the website at

For those of you who wish to further the healing of survivors of rape, please email this to people you know who can then either participate or simply pass it on.

This project is being headed by Amy Menna, Ph.D. She has over 10 years of experience treating survivors of sexual assault and has published on the topic of Rape Trauma Syndrome, resiliency, and childhood sexual abuse. She resides in Tampa, Florida and teaches at a local university. If you would like to speak with her directly, feel free to call 813-766-8510. It is understood if you would like to verify this email. You may do so by calling her directly or visiting the website “”

Walter Media-

Mike Walter is an advocate and friend of Gift From Within. Mike Walter, journalist, producer, on air anchor for WUSA TV will be producing a new set of Public Service Announcements for Gift From Within’s sister site, The Gateway To PTSD Information at The PSA’s will focus on de-stigmatizing PTSD.

Mike’s own personal account of overcoming adversity, turning tragedy into triumph has won rave reviews. In November of 2008 he addressed a group of distinguished journalists and psychiatrists from throughout the world at a gathering of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies in Chicago. Mike’s talk included a screening of his film on Hurricane Katrina, “Breaking News, Breaking Down.” He was the host of Gift From Within’s latest DVD, PTSD & Vets: A Conversation With Dr. Frank Ochberg. Another DVD he hosted called Surviving Trauma & Tragedy: Lessons for Future Physicians and Healthcare Professionals won the FREDDIE -AWARD WINNER- (GOLD)

THE NEW SOCIAL WORKER Online–Magazine for Social Work Students and Recent Graduates

The National Center for Victims of Crime’s Stalking Resource Center and the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice, are pleased to announce that the 2009 National Stalking Awareness Month (NSAM) Web site is now live! The site offers many resources to help you plan your 2009 NSAM activities, including fact sheets, media tools, brochures, posters, artwork, and much more. Visit for a versatile set of resources that we hope will inspire your efforts to know, name, and stop stalking in your community.

New from Steve Siler and Music For The Soul

Somebody’s Daughter ~ A Journey to Freedom From Pornography DVD/CD

“For more than thirty years, New Harbinger Publications has brought readers effective, scientifically sound
self-help books that deal with a range of topics in psychology, health, and personal growth.”

The Dart Society

Blogging Trauma

The mission of the Dart Society is to connect and support journalists worldwide
who advance the compassionate and ethical coverage of trauma, conflict and social injustice.


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Surviving Trauma and Tragedy
Michigan Victim Alliance
East Lansing, MI

This program reminds us that those who endure human cruelty have lives of dignity and meaning–even though they were mistreated by perpetrators and on occasion, by professionals and by family. Four extraordinary survivors tell their stories with candor and courage: all demonstrate a deep commitment to helping other survivors.

A Profile of Gift From Within is featured in Paradigm Magazine

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Paradigm Magazine

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